
Your Midlife Career Change: A Surprising Option
Executive Recruiting


In contrast to what many executives in their 40s and 50s may think, a midlife career change can be an exciting opportunity. But, like any change, it can seem harrowing, especially if it imposes a direct impact on your lifestyle and financial stability.

If any of the points below describe you, however, you might be surprised to learn that there are opportunities for change you may not know about that can fulfill your needs as well as your desires:

  • You’ve been happy in your industry overall, but feel dissatisfied with what you do day in and day out.
  • Advancing to your current position has been rewarding, but your responsibilities are such that you’ve lost a sense of work-life balance.
  • You’d like less travel and more flexibility in your schedule to spend time with family.
  • You love the structure of your job, but wish it resulted in a greater sense of pride or ownership in your work.


  •  You’d eventually like to own your own business, but feel limited in your experience in other areas and worry that it would fail.
  • You don’t want to start back at square one given all the experience you’ve gained.
  • You’ve been downsized out of one or more jobs and being an employee now feels as risky – or riskier – than starting your own venture.
  • Though the idea of working for yourself is appealing, you’re afraid of going it alone, given the support you’ve become accustomed to in the corporate structure.

These are all concerns we’ve heard from men and women who’ve gone on to own an FPC executive recruiting franchise office.  The fact is, midlife is an excellent time to make a career change, and while the concerns above are valid, an executive recruiting franchise is an option that addresses them head-on.

You might be scratching your head at this point, wondering what executive recruiting has to do with you, or how it could possibly solve your problems. Here are some answers:

  • The franchise industry, which you may only have considered from the perspective of owning a yogurt shop, or some other business-to-consumer model, also has a business services sector, which is the fastest growing part of franchising.
  • Executive recruiting spans many industries – including yours – and offers a way for you to build on past career success in a new role.
  • Because you are working within the framework of a franchise, you are not alone. In fact, in addition to receiving training and support from the national franchise office, FPC owners are part of a recruiting network, cross-referencing candidates and job opportunities.
  • As a mid-life career change, owning a franchise can be a positive bridge between corporate life and retirement, with the potential of significantly boosting income while creating a saleable asset.
  • More than 60% of FPC owners have one or more family members working in the business in addition to themselves, so owning a franchise can provide broader opportunities, even for adult children whose employment options have been limited by the recession of the past few years.

The good news is that if you’re reading this post, you’re in the right place to learn much more about executive recruiting, franchising and FPC as an option for your midlife career change.

What are your concerns or thoughts about changing careers? Thanks for contributing to the conversation in the comments. While you’re here, why not download a recording of our popular webinar, “A Great Career Opportunity You May Never Have Considered,” to learn more executive recruiting, franchise ownership and FPC.

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