Changing Careers? How to make a better choice this time around.
Career Change
Most visitors to our website and blog, and everyone we meet with who eventually becomes an FPC executive recruiting franchise owner is changing careers. Eighty-five percent of our owners have never before been recruiters. Most have come from the corporate world and industry. Even those who have recruited in the past have worked for a recruiting firm and never owned their own company. Those who have owned businesses have not owned a franchise.
Every one of these career changers went through a circuitous and sometimes tortuous path to find the right next step for themselves. By the time we meet them they’ve usually done quite a lot of exploration. Even so, becoming a recruiter wasn’t necessarily on the radar screen, so we try to help them assess whether our offer will be a good fit for their personal, financial and lifestyle needs.
To that end, we have a real interest in reading what others have to say about making good career choices. Today, we want to share with you an insightful article from On Wall Street that offers some good steps to follow on the path to your new career. After you read the article, please share some of the steps you’ve taken in planning you career in the comments.
If you’re wondering what it’s like to leverage your past experience and contacts in a new career as an FPC franchise owner, please download our popular recorded webinar, “A Great Career Option You May Never Have Considered.” It’s free! Enjoy the article!