
Changing Careers: Connect with your Inner Entrepreneur
Executive Recruiting

If you’re like many of our successful FPC executive recruiting franchise owners who came from the corporate world, you’ve considered changing careers. You have also thought about going into your own business. However, like these owners, you may be concerned that you don’t have what it takes to work for yourself.Connect with your inner entrepreneur

After all, they’ve said, we’ve only ever worked for a company and received a regular pay check and benefits. We’re afraid we won’t be able to make it on our own.

What happened to convince them that owning their own franchise business was a winning option? They were able to connect with their ‘inner entrepreneur’. Let’s see if we can help you to do the same.

Here we go. What are your answers to the following questions?

During your career have you had:

  • Responsibility for hiring and firing?
  • People reporting to you who you had to train, manage and assess?
  • Budget/P&L responsibility for a company department, division or significant project?
  • Ideas that corporate management funded and implemented?
  • Responsibility for business planning, strategy and goal setting?
  • Responsibility for establishing policies and procedures?
  • Business and customer development responsibilities?
  • Success reaching goals you’ve established?
  • Success growing revenues for your department or division?

If you answered ‘yes’ to even half of the questions, say ‘hello’ to your inner entrepreneur! It seems that your career experience includes much of the knowledge and many of the skills required to run your own business.

In fact, you have been running a business. The only difference is that you’ve been doing it for someone else. You’ve had the job description of an entrepreneur, but not the upside. You haven’t had the risks of business ownership, to be sure. But hasn’t your ‘intrepreneurship’ come with its own set of risks?

Especially by mid-career, the knowledge and skills for business ownership begin to peak and the risk/reward ratios of employment vs. entrepreneurship begin to balance out.

If you’ve been downsized one too many times, or concerned that you might be replaced by someone younger and lower paid, or anxious that you’ll have to move to the new plant location now that the kids are in high school, or won’t be able to move closer to aging parents, you know what we’re talking about.

If our little quiz has led you to your inner entrepreneur, then you have the right stuff for business ownership. In addition, even though the risks of staying in corporate life are going up, we can help minimize the risks of being your own boss.

You can take a closer look at what entrepreneurship looks like in the FPC executive recruiting franchise network by downloading our free eBook, “A Day in the Life of an FPC Owner.”



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